Tuesday, April 7, 2009

After finding out that surgery was canceled, we went back to Ronald McDonald House to wait for when the next surgery date was. Several hours later, they called and told us that it was scheduled for the following Wednesday. It was kind of a bummer because we were already ready for surgery and now we had to wait ANOTHER week. But there was nothing we could do about that, so we decided to go to San Antonio for a few days and have a little fun.

After a three and a half hour drive, we arrived in San Antonio, at the Westin. The hotel heard about our "vacation" and fifteen minutes after showing us our room, they called up and said that they wanted to do something. As it turned out, that "something", was a limo that was at our disposal for five hours!!!!! They had also made reservations for us at The Palm, a nice restaurant on the Riverwalk. After walking on the Riverwalk and having a delicious dinner, our driver picked us up, and drove us around to some of the popular spots in San Antonio. At about 10 p.m., he drove us back to our hotel.

We also found out that the hotel had given us free tickets to Six Flags!!!!!!!!!! So on Saturday, we went and spent a good part of the day there. It was a lot of fun and we had a blast, but it would have been even funner if the rest of the kids were there as well. Later, after several hours at Six Flags, we came back to the hotel and sat by the pool for a while. The pool, or pools, was amazing, they set it up so that instead of one big oval pool, they had smaller irregular-shaped pools that were all connected in a seemingly haphazardly way. There was a waterfall that fed into one of the pools, and overall, it was one of the coolest pool(s) I have seen! While we were down there it was around ninety degrees with 20-30 mph winds (sometimes). And then on Sunday, before driving back to Huston, we went shopping at an outdoor mall and went to a movie, Monsters vs. Aliens, which was funny and entertaining.

So now we are back in Houston, and we have to be at the hospital at 6 a.m. tomorrow. I really appreciate all of your prayers and support (especially tomorrow).

Marykate Hughes

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